15 Second StartUp: Rubber Duck Debug


15 Second StartUp

Every Wednesday, one highly actionable insight to help you build your StartUp faster. Curated by 3x Excited SaaS Founder James Sinclair​.

presented by Pipedrive. The CRM Built For StartUps.

Hey Founder

The Rubber Duck Debug: Explain your challenge to an inanimate object to help you fully understand and gain clarity on what you are doing.

Speaking out loud helps solve problems, leads to new insights, solutions, and thoughts making this technique a powerful tool for overcoming mental blocks and articulating a path forward.

Why? Because it forces you to pay attention to the details....


  • Choose any object (doesn't have to be a rubber duck)
  • Explain your problem out loud, step-by-step, as if teaching the object
  • Be detailed and thorough in your explanation, do not let yourself be general or skip over details.
  • Imagine the object asking "Why?" or "What does that mean?" to every single thing you say.
  • Continue until you reach a breakthrough or exhaust your explanation

The magic of Rubber Duck Debugging is in the act of clear, methodical articulation – it forces you to confront assumptions and see your challenge from a fresh perspective.

Deep Dive: Read the full article here.


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15 Second StartUp

Every Wednesday, one highly actionable insight to help you build your StartUp faster. Curated by 3x Excited SaaS Founder James Sinclair​.